
Sunday 25 November 2012

Cover and Contents Page Powerpoint

<iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/15342569" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/TomAshby/cover-and-contents-page" title="Cover and contents page" target="_blank">Cover and contents page</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/TomAshby" target="_blank">TomAshby</a></strong> </div>

Monday 12 November 2012

Contents Page Final Draft

Music Magazine Covers

Music Magazine Covers

The Image
·         If there is a person/group on the cover, what do they represent? – What do your pictures/ people represent? (Should reflect the people or read the magazine)
·         Are they a stereotype?
·         How has this stereotype been constructed? – possibly challenge stereotype
·         Special effects and/ or props – everything has been posed

The Gaze
·         The Gaze refers to the direction in which the person on the cover is looking
·         Are they looking straight at the audience?
·         Are they smiling – enticing the reader in?
·         Do they look friendly or cool?
·         Do they look seductive?
·         No image can contain more than five models
·         Aloud to use real bands
·         Need images for cover, contents page and double page spread

The Mission Statement
·         Explain what kind of music magazine you hope to create by focusing on genre and style.
·         Explain the audience that you are trying to target.
·         Give a brief overview of the content of your magazine.
·         Explain the role that you think your magazine will play in the lives of its readers.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Which Genre?

After researching different types of music magazines I have come to the conclusion that for my music magazine I will do a grunge/punk magazine. I have chosen to this genre, as the music is more applicable to people my age and the target audience I want to aim at.  As well as this there are a few magazines pre-existing so there is more room to be original and creative with my design. Although there are limited magazines there are still some which I can use as a template for my magazine. Magazines such as Kerrang, NME and Punk are all magazines similar to the mode I want to achieve. The style and layout of these magazines also represent the genre well and make it clear what type of magazine it is.  

The Contents Page

1. What is the function of a contents page?

The function of a contents page is to show the reader the entire list of articles that are featured in the magazine. This helps the reader to find certain articles which appeals to them more, as well as showing the analogous page numbers, which further aids the reader.

2. How does a reader use a contents page?

Since the contents page is located at the front of the magazine it is easy for the reader to use, which they can then use to browse and select features they find interesting. The contents pages use titillation to appeal to the reader. They normally recapitulate the article in a summarized title, allowing the reader to have a clear idea of what they might read. 
Hammer Contents Page
3. What is the conventional layout for a contents page in a magazine?

Contents pages in magazines usually follow the same layout and structure of the magazine. The typical structure of a context page is a grid structure, displaying coverlines, page numbers and various images relevant to certain features.
For example the magazine ‘Hammer’ uses red, white and black, colours normally associated with this genre of music. The font of the context page uses similar colours, reflecting on the type of genre of the magazine (heavy metal). A reason for using these colours is that people presume heavy metal is dark, baleful, and in some cases evil so by using these it could possibly play on this stereotype, whilst still appealing to the readers. The layout is set up as 2 sides, with some headlines on the left hand side of the page and picture headlines on the right, as well as the bottom. The use of pictures on the content page allows the reader to easily identify the music genre.

Vogue Contents Page
GQ Sport Contents Page

4. What is the conventional design for a contents page in a magazine?

The design for a contents page in a magazine is analogous in the sense that they all follow similar layouts. All three examples I have selected are magazines, which target different audiences, yet have similar layouts and designs when it comes to the contents page. This is because readers are familiar with “traditional” type of contents page, so by using similar designs, i.e. images from the features, summaries, revealing text and page numbers, it allows the reader to quickly select articles they want to read. 

5. How much information does a contents page contain?

Different contents pages normally display different amounts of information. The examples I have chosen present the titles of the features, as well as other relative information, such as promotional information, page numbers. Normally the contents page shows notes by the contributors to the magazine, highlighting key articles and their own opinions. The GQ Sport shows images of the “contributors” as well as three different mini articles from them.
6. What information does a contents page contain?

The contents page contains information on articles (summary), promotional offers, page numbers, images related to features.  

7. How are images used in a conventional contents page?

Images are used to compose the reader to want to read the article through the use of titillation and by using altering/ disturbing imagery correlated with the features in the magazine, empathizing their importance. The images used in Vogue are pertinent to the type of magazine Vogue is; a fashion magazine. They promote the clothing yet show only a diminutive sample of the items. They are also used to influence the reader into believing these images are the new “in” item to wear, making them want to buy these items.

8. How is language used in a conventional contents page?

Language is used to make the reader want to read the article through the use of alliteration, titillation, controversy and applicable articles. Language is also used to endorse the articles featured in the magazine. Slogans can be used as well as sharp humour, such as satires and double entendre’s; normally the jokes are aims disjointedly or even observably at celebrities or political figures, depending on the genre of the magazine. 

10. How does the function of a contents page affect its layout and design?

To make the contents easy to read, the contents page the layout and design must work together, or else the reader will become perplexed and incapable to comprehend the contents page. The contents page needs to display the right information, such as page numbers and short titles. The contents page must allow the reader to identify definite stories that they would find interesting.