
Thursday 2 May 2013

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

I feel like I have learned a great deal over the last few months whilst creating my final product. During the beginning of my research I learned a lot about the codes and conventions of a music magazine as well as what makes a music magazine stand out from the others. The first set task we did was to analysis a music magazine of our choice. I feel that during the beginning of the year I struggled to understand just how much I needed to do and what to focus on. However now I feel like I have progressed and because of this I feel that my music magazine is better than it would have been. Through my research I have also learned about colour schemes and how people perceive different magazines and make assumptions based on their appearance. I feel that since then I have been able to make connections between different types of music genres and magazines that are associated with them. During my preliminary task I ignored things such as web pages, page numbers and effective coverlines. However since then I have used all of these effectively as well as things like features and promotional advertisements in my final media product. Since my preliminary task I have also learned about the readers of magazines and how depending on their age, education and affluence their taste in music or magazines differs, so a magazine has to take this into account and addresses their audience in different but effective ways.
Another thing I have learned since my preliminary task is a
bout the mise-en-scene and editing used in a
magazine and how depending on the genre of music the setting, costumes or even the font of the magazine differs.
Overall I think I have improved greatly since my preliminary task. I have learned how to use different softwares, how to take photos, how to edit my work and learned about the different kinds of conventions associated with a music magazine. 

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